I had a fun name for a website, so I started one


Why have social media when I can just make my own website and do whatever I want on it (and nobody will read it)

Mostly blog posts and a hodgepodge collection of other weirdly personal photos, opinions, and information


Active Sections


Land Art

Some trips with a few pictures, tips, & background, all revolving around Land Art, that might be helpful to the random traveler or just be interesting.

World Cup 2026 Blog

History, Updates, and Ticket Information for the FIFA World Cup in 2026. Eventually it will convert into a blog like the 2022 version.

Eclectic Qualms

Sort of the catch all area for everything else. Sports, games, stats, politics, musings, etc. Not necessarily an actual qualm either.

Film & TV Shows

Annual Top 5 Lists

And every so often my unqualified expanded thoughts on some of them.


Archived (or less active) Sections



World Cup 2022 Travel Blog

A full blog of the month long trip to Qatar World Cup, and the surrounding trips I went on


Some of my past custom made merchandise, with 100% of the profits going to charity


It seems disrespectful to those who make music, to call it that, but I’ll post some of my random attempts

Travel Galleries

Landscapes from my recent trips


Travel Maps

Countries I’ve Been

Next Up: … Colombia, 2025

My Top 5 dream destinations: Argentina, Italy, Botswana, Japan, & New Zealand

Updated as of April, 2024. Created with the app Been. Just crossed off Mexico and Brazil!

States I’ve Been

Next Up: Oregon? Or the symmetry of crossing out Minnesota looks enticing.

Note: Percentages are a bit odd due to how and what they count as the total. i.e. The five districts of American Samoa count as part of the USA region map.

Affiliate marketing disclaimer (November 4th, 2024): I just renewed by Squarespace plan for a year, and decided I should try and find a way to have this website try and fund itself. I’ve signed up for some affiliate marketing programs. As per my style, I will post and report on all my potential earnings.

Enjoy The Long Way Overland Adventures (featuring my friends Mathi and Phia)